Industries Getting The Most ROI From Digital Marketing

Digital marketing provides brands with the perfect opportunity to maximize their Return On Investment, and skyrocket their profits. Take a look at the industries getting the most ROI from their digital marketing efforts.

Digital Marketing has played an integral role in the growing success of companies ranging from startups to enterprise level powerhouses. Since the beginning of the 21st century it has become almost a necessity to engage in digital marketing either as an alternative to , or in combination with traditional marketing methods.

The Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing debate is ongoing, but what is for certain is that some industries are really making the most of their digital marketing resources and recording incredible Return On Investment.


There are so many reasons why food related industries are making it big with digital marketing. Companies that would’ve previously shared recipes and health tips in print media are now able to share it over social media, blog posts and other digital methods at a fraction of the cost or even for free.

Plus, the use of video to show content is a much more engaging way for a viewer to receive a recipe, food advertisement or knowledge and has ultimately resulted in the food industry being able to reach a larger audience. And don’t forget that sharing content on the internet is also a thing, so audience growth is pretty much exponential.

Accessing this food how-to content is incredibly easy now that it is available online through digital marketing methods. In a matter of seconds a viewer could search what they are looking for and find a whole range of options to choose from the available search results.

The food industry can make back profit up to 6 times more than their digital marketing investment when working with influencers, so it is no wonder that digital marketing is such a large focus for brands within the food industry.

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Fitness & Nutrition

As a feeder from the food industry, highlighting nutrition and health tips in the fitness industry is also very popular in blogs and social media as the popularity of influencers or celebrity fitness gurus rises.

Before and after photos have become a staple for trainers who wish to show the results of their “success” in their clients, and ultimately this serves as the marketing for the service or products they provide. In this example there is actually very little that needs to be spent from a marketing perspective as filming a video can be done using a smartphone, and provided that the platform the content is posted on has a large enough audience, boosting the post may not be necessary.

Creating how-to content such as workout videos explaining proper training techniques and workout plans has become incredibly successful, particularly on social media where viewers can see the content in the form of a video. This in combination with on-demand fitness channels that provide streamable content for viewers to watch workouts created by an instructor, are quickly becoming a replacement for traditional face-to-face personal trainers. In fact, online fitness content has seen an increase in digital marketing investment by 129% since 2017, and in the case of Peloton (an on-demand fitness streaming service) they have shown an increase in 107% in revenue in quarter 2 of 2020 alone.

There is no doubt that this industry is really booming with the focus on using digital techniques to increase the ROI of its marketing efforts.

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The popularity of online entertainment websites such as Netflix, YouTube and Spotify has increased substantially in the last 15 years, and what better way for these sites to market themselves than on their own platform… the internet!

Just to give you an indication of how effective the digital marketing ROI is in this industry, Netflix currently spends 1/10th of their annual profit on advertising which resulted in a marketing spend of $714.1 million USD in 2015 and has increased steadily the last few years because of the proven returns seen with digital marketing in this industry.

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Online retail marketing is HUGE and quickly becoming the go-to way for brands to make an audience aware of their products. Think Amazon, Bestbuy and Nordstrom and you already know that we are talking about some big players in the retail industry who know how to make incredible returns on digital marketing investments.

Nordstrom in particular has undergone a massive digital transformation in the last few years in order to remain current with the rising trends in the retail and fashion industry focusing on convenience and customer experience while interacting with an online store instead of a physical store. What makes digital marketing so successful in this industry is that it allows brands to seamlessly provide a connection to an online store from a simple but carefully targeted and personalized product ad on another platform such as a social media or in search marketing. As evidence to this, retailers using digital marketing techniques to promote their products through ecommerce, increased digital marketing spend by 60% in 2019 in order to return higher profits because of the proven success these digital marketing efforts have shown in the past.

Digital marketing in retail is also pretty successful when influencers are used through affiliate marketing, and promotional content and websites are optimized for viewing on mobile devices.

Ultimately, convenience and total market exposure is what has resulted in the retail industry banking high returns on investment with its digital marketing techniques today.

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Education & Training

Upskilling yourself and building knowledge has become a popular theme over the last decade. In fact, websites such as Skillshare are a testament to this as their success is a product of a good digital marketing strategy that focuses heavily on using influential persons on social media to promote the educational classes about topics related to their audiences’ interests.

You may have even seen this yourself while watching a YouTube video on how to create a digital marketing report when the influencer pauses to tell you about an Online digital marketing class on Skillshare as part of a paid ad.

Forbes mentions that education as a whole is shifting towards digital in an attempt to make it more accessible and customized to a person’s specific learning needs. With more and more people turning away from the traditional education methods in favor of more convenient, and cost effective learning focused on each individuals specific needs, the education and training industry is increasing their investment in digital marketing to appeal to an audience that is quickly becoming fully digital. Since learning has become a hot trend this decade and audiences are responding well to platforms such as Skillshare, it is evident that the returns on the marketing investments speak for themselves.

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Real Estate

This one may seem a little surprising but the real estate industry is really maximizing their return on investment with digital marketing.

It starts to make a little more sense when you think about how they can use online portfolios for viewers to look through property photos and even use property rental and sale websites such as Property24 for house hunters to explore available listings.

Over and above this, the industry has also started to advertise on social media in order to make the real estate industry less intimidating and more personable, particularly to first time buyers. In fact, 84% of real estate professionals worldwide are now using social media as a tool to conduct sales from.

Virtual tours of homes are also becoming increasingly popular either of pre-recorded video or live video, which can increase the speed that a sale is made in by 49%.

It is evident that digital marketing techniques are the future for the real estate industry as the ROI using these methods is limitless.

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Since the industries mentioned above are all moving towards exclusive digital marketing methods because of the evident returns on investment when marketing their products/services, that naturally means that marketing itself must be doing pretty well right? Correct!

Digital marketing agencies in particular are growing by the day. More and more industries have realised the benefits and importance of using digital marketing to promote their brands, and create more profitable investments in their marketing. Marketing agencies will continue to become increasingly useful in facilitating online marketing efforts, and helping these industries to obtain incredible ROI.

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Join The Trend

Keen to get your company to experience the same incredible ROI results as these industries? Take a look at some of our other Oviond blogs to find out more about digital marketing and industry related content.

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