The Purpose Of Dashboards In The Digital Marketing Industry

Digital Marketing Dashboards are essential in the marketing industry. They help agencies build relationships with their clients and provide them with information to help them make important decisions about their clients digital marketing campaigns.

digital marketing dashboard is an electronic interface that enables you to combine data from multiple digital marketing channels onto one platform.

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Digital marketing campaigns generate a large amount of data from many different data sources and this is where the significance of a digital marketing dashboard is revealed. Dashboards can save brands and digital marketing agencies a lot of time each month as they provide a visual representation of the performance across multiple platforms and quite simply, answers a lot of questions around digital marketing performance.

Who Uses Digital Marketing Dashboards?

A digital marketing dashboard can be compiled for clients or created for internal monitoring purposes within an agency. The majority of agencies will choose to create digital marketing dashboards for both of these reasons as they serve completely separate purposes.

Client dashboards

These dashboards are created with the purpose of showing a client how all or some of their digital marketing campaigns performed over a certain period of time. A great example of a dashboard that could be shared with a client is a Digital Marketing Dashboard which focuses on aspects of the agency’s marketing efforts for the client from website performance to social media engagement.

Internal agency dashboards

These dashboards are created for agencies to analyze and monitor the performance of their client’s digital marketing campaigns. A dashboard that could be created for this purpose is a digital marketing overview dashboard which offers agencies real-time insights into the performance of their clients digital marketing campaigns.

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Why Use Digital Marketing Dashboards?

Digital marketing dashboards are an essential tool when it comes to building and maintaining long-lasting relationships with clients.

Some of the main reasons agencies make use of digital marketing dashboards are:

To establish if the goals that were set in the digital marketing strategy were achieved To provide insight into the performance of the current digital marketing campaigns To help agencies and clients make decisions and discuss future expectations on the digital marketing efforts moving forward

Benefits Of Digital Marketing Dashboards

By using digital marketing dashboards, agencies are able to:

1. Educate clients

Having the results of all the digital marketing campaigns in one simple and well-presented document tells clients exactly how their money is being spent, what is generating leads, and where there need to be some adjustments.

2. Build and maintain trust with clients

Providing clients with honest and transparent reporting is the best way to build and maintain a trusting relationship. They need to know what is and isn’t performing in order to make accurate decisions on marketing goals for their business.

3. Present data effectively to clients

It is always best to present data in digital marketing dashboards as visually as possible. A client is more likely to interact and understand a dashboard that isn’t only filled with tables and numbers, but rather some more graphic chart types and images.

4. Reduce churn within the agency

Clients are more likely to remain, clients, if they know exactly where and how the digital marketing agency is helping them each month.

5. Make informed decisions

The digital marketing dashboard allows the agency and the client to work off the same data, which gives the agency opportunities to see what areas of the digital marketing campaigns need improvement. . It also provides the client with all the information they need to make important decisions for their business.

The Best Marketing KPIs To Use In Digital Marketing Dashboards

An effective digital marketing dashboard needs to include the key performance indicators that answer all the questions clients may have around the performance of their digital marketing campaigns.

Dashboards generally include between 5 and 20 widgets that provide the agency and client with a high-level overview of the performance of all digital marketing efforts. It is imperative that the dashboard gives just the right amount of information and that it does not underdeliver, or overwhelm the client.

Some important KPIs to include in dashboards:

Click-through Rate (CTR)

This is the percentage of people that have interacted with their ads. It is important to know what the CTR of digital marketing campaigns is so that their relevance can be determined. A low CTR shows that the ad is not being interacted with enough.

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate shows the percentage of visitors that are leaving a website after visiting only one page. It shows that the engagement on the website is low and the landing page needs to be more relevant to the ad being sent to it.

Conversions and Conversion Rate

No matter which digital marketing tool is being used, conversions are always the end goal. The conversion rate shows the client that the website visitor is not only interacting with their site but is taking the desired action which is considered a conversion.

Ready To Learn More?

Digital marketing dashboards are most certainly a must-have in the industry and it is so important for agencies to keep up with the trends when it comes to digital marketing and client reporting. Visit the blog section on our website to read more about digital marketing trends, tools, and reporting.

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